Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teeth whitening?

I don%26#039;t want the fake stuff that says that it whitens teeth and it really doesn%26#039;t. I%26#039;m looking for the actual stuff that isn%26#039;t that expensive and definetly whitens teeth fast. Help please!

Teeth whitening?
First I would recommend that you consider having a dental cleaning and exam. If you have buildup (tartar, plaque, stain) the whitening process won%26#039;t work that well. The crest whitestrips work well and are probably your lowest cost alternative. We sell them in my office ($75.00) and they are 3 times stronger and there are 3 weeks worth. I like them because they work better and if you are happy with how they look 1/2 way thru the process you just hold onto the rest and you have more to do a %26quot;touch up%26quot; 6 months later. Good luck!

JAMRDH- a dental hygienist
Reply:my dental hygienist actually whispered to me that the crest white strips are actually really good
Reply:The crest strips work and the solutions work really well I wouldn%26#039;t use the the a professional because they charge a lot for there services.

And they just want your money
Reply:I think you have to get the really strong stuff from a dentist.
Reply:I%26#039;ve used crest white strips and they didnt work very well. mY mom is a dental hygeist though and she got me treswhite by Opalescence. I dont know how much it is but it works really well i love it. I drink a lot of tea and coffee so my teeth are always getting stained. Over the summer i had to get like this little kinda like plaster thing or w/e put on my tooth because i have like a natural little dent there or w/e (yea kinda hard to explain) well anyways when the dentists went to get the right color to match w/ my teeth shade they got like the second whitest (the most white one being like the color babies are botn with thats super white), and i think i only used the strips like maybe two times before that appointment. that work really well and stick on better and whiten my teeth better then the crest white strips did



  1. Dental bleaching is also known as teeth whitening. This is a most common procedure in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Most individuals with healthy white teeth also used these teeth whitening kits for bright smile.

  2. I believe the safe way to "whiten" teeth is to naturally strengthen them.
